Coffee With Bio-Hacking

Coffee, we all search out the best tasting brew. Maybe a morning blend for breakfast, or something bold with dinner. When it comes to coffee, we all search out our favorites. Although we now have a Bio-Hacking solution that makes that morning cup of Joe even better for us by helping us Burn Away Unwanted Fat. While all you need to do is add a delicious Non-Dairy “Snap” as creamer to your favorite caffeinated beverage.


plôs® THERMO: This is the “spark” for losing weight. And all you need to do is take this “Snap” with your favorite Coffee, Tea or a Caffeinated Beverage. Caffeine is Required to activate it. You will find this curbs our appetite incredibly! You may need a reminder so you do not forget to eat lunch! And it kicks up your “Pep” as it helps burn Unwanted Fat! This is an ideal pair with zlēm® for weight loss results. I like to add the Mocha flavor to a cup of coffee in the morning, skip the creamer additives and do your body a favor!

I am a person that typically tries to watch what I eat in a healthy way. Although I sometimes Crave pizza, a bag of salty chips, a big BBQ platter, Lasagna and a bowl of bread sticks, a big slice of pie or cake. Or maybe a candy bar, or three! And then there are those trips to Sporting Events, oh boy what a time to indulge! There are also times a “healthy” meal isn’t available on a long drive where time is key and the only route might be a fast food joint or the gas station convenience store to take the edge off and stop the stomach from growling at you. Another thing to keep in mind is that your ability to control how much you eat is going increase immensely!

While Your personal experience may not mirror mine, where all SIX of these Bio-Hacking Solutions have helped transform my life, at least TWO of these solutions are essential for “Everyone and Anyone.” In addition to these products I still use additional mainstay Men’s vitamins, such as D and E. Also, I began using AG1 2yrs ago and I still use it today in my daily regimen!

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